PADI Forms: Download the necessary documents, fill them out and send them to me before your course. Learn to dive with safety and competence!

Before you can attend a PADI diving course, you have to read through various forms, fill them in, sign them, send them to me or bring them with you on the first day of the course at the latest. The content of these forms may seem very legalistic to you, which I can understand. PADI is a global organisation and has to protect itself from liability claims and lawsuits with these declarations.

PADI 10346 GER Diver Medical Check Candidate Questionnaire

To be able to freedive, you must be sufficiently fit and healthy. You are considered "fit" if you can swim 200 metres comfortably but without interruption and without swimming aids (that's 8 lengths in a 25-metre indoor pool or 4 lengths in a 50-metre outdoor pool). If you can ride a bike, walk at a reasonably brisk pace and are not completely out of breath when climbing stairs, then you will easily fulfil the swimming requirements.

Fill in the 10 questions on page 1 of the form, if you have ticked "No" everywhere, sign the form and you're done. If you tick "Yes" to questions 3, 5 and 10, you must obtain a doctor's certificate of fitness to dive before the course. If you answer "yes" to the other questions, fill in the corresponding block on page 2. A "Yes" on page 2 also requires you to obtain a medical certificate.

Make an appointment with your family doctor or a specialised diving doctor in good time before the start of the course. You can find a list of diving doctors here:

PADI 10305 Freediver Declaration of Safe Diving Practices

This is a statement informing you of the established safe diving practices for freediving. By signing it, you confirm that you are aware of the procedures and will adhere to them.

PADI 10421 Declaration of Risks and Liability (EU Version)

In this form you fill in "freedive-thurgau Andreas Horvath" in the empty blocks. The point is that PADI takes no responsibility for the actual running of the course. PADI has developed the training system, but it is the instructor who conducts the course and not PADI. As long as there is no breach of duty on the part of the instructor, you assume the risk in the event of an accident during the course.

PADI 19353 Freediver Programme Record and Referral Form

In this form, you only need to fill in the top block. This is proof of your performance during the course. This form is in English, as it can also be used if you start your training with one instructor but finish it with another instructor, for example at your holiday destination.