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Indoor pool training on Friday 15 December 2023
Indoor pool training on Friday 15 December 2023
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Indoor pool training on Friday 15 December 2023 was a highlight.

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How is neoprene produced?
How is neoprene produced?
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Video about the production of a wetsuit (in German)

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Clouded Perspective
Clouded Perspective
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Antifog on plastic glasses, is that okay?

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Training in the Y-40
Training in the Y-40
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Benefits of training for freedivers in the Y-40, the deepest pool in the world with thermal water

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The origin of the Lobster Weight - blog by Dmitri Voloshin
The origin of the Lobster Weight - blog by Dmitri Voloshin
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Dmitri Voloshin, inventor of the Lobster Weight

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